© Mime > Summer intensive 2015 Berlin
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Every day there are classes from 10 am  until 10 pm. There are two breaks for  eating and recovering. The first hour is an  intense warm up. Later we will care for  different mime techniques, grotesque  theater, improvisation theater, creativity  techniques, group plays, dynamic body,  writing, music and movement. The workshop starts Monday August 17  and ends Sunday August 23 with a  performance and a celebration. /Prices The fee: 400 Euro (Turkish Lira, Iranian  Rial and Polish Zloty also accepted) calculate also with costs for housing,  food, local transport and travel to Berlin. But there are many cheap flights to Berlin  and also housing is not expensive. The entrance to the MMR performance on August 15 is included!

>The tradition

Summer is the perfect time to take care of stage  art and to delevop yourself in a workshop. If  you are living on theatre or if supporting  yourself with other jobs - in summer you are off  and while there are few times during the year  you can go deeply into it in this intense  workshop.  There has been famous summer schools The  Berlin tradition is shorter. In 2014 Gregg  Goldston was running it together with Haruka  Morijama and Eric Wilcox. So, this will be the  second edition here but with the spirit and  experience of a long period. 

>The objectives

The vision of the Intensive is to meet the  personal needs of you as an artist. Together we  will train the body like a dancer, your mind like  an author and yourspirit like an actor. We know  that you have your own method of learning and  your own creative path towards a performance.  This means we will work directly with you in a  way that cannot be accomplished in large  groups.


Improvisation theater is modern and sexy and  has its own audience. It can be used in any kind  of theater, music, ... but within mime you get so  much more freedom to improvize. In mime you  can create any space, object, situation, stage  partner, ...  Vice versa mime gets more fresh in improvisation. And its a nice way to let the audience write your next play.

>play writing

We are mimes for the stage and on the stage  and even made by the stage. And all the  technique will not satisfy our audience without  a well written play. It takes a long experience  but there are some simple rules and smart hints  you can get here.

>grotesque mime

Eric Wilcox is an established, experienced and  successful expert in buffoon theater. He wrote,  directed and performed for and with the San  Francisco Buffoons. It is a grotesque theater  style that can give a lot to the mime performer.  The buffon performer lowers is own status,  blames himself and plays right into the face of  the audience. But he also has a earthy quality.  Even if you decide to not use the style itself later  on stage you will get a better knowledge and  feeling of acting.
intensive workshop